2014年2月4日 星期二


Α) 視學識為謀利的方法
"And I hold that no man has treated mankind worse than he who has studied philosophy as if it were some marketable trade, who lives in a different manner from that which he advises." Seneca, Ep. 108.36
Β) 羅馬法律(根據公元二世紀法管Papinianus)豁免哲學家付出時間滿足公民責任,但仍要付擔各種費用,原因是:
"...for true philosophers despise money, and expose the false statements of the philosophical impostors who are desirous of having it." (Digest

C) 公元二世紀名醫Galen對醫生/哲學家的要求:

"if, then, this is the nature of one’s character, one will, necessarily, not only despise money, but also be extremely hard-working." (Galen, The Best Doctor is also a Philosopher K1. 59.6)
"he must despise money and cultivate temperament in order to stay the course" (K1. 60.9)

D) 貪婪傷己傷人
 But greed is not only the greatest evil to a man himself, but it injures his neighbours as well. And so no one pities, forsooth, the covetous man or cares to instruct him, but all shun him and regard him as their enemy. (Dio Chrysostom 17.7)

E) 關於貪婪的破壞性的詩(by Euripides):

At greed, the worst of deities, my son,
Why graspest thou? Do not; she is Queen of wrong.
Houses many and happy cities enters she,
Nor leaves till ruined are her votaries.

F) 貪財與拜偶像
"My Children, love of money leads to idolatry, because once they are led astray by money, they designate as gods those who are not gods" (T. Dan 19.1)
G) 貪財與拜偶像
"23 there is another meaning which...convicts in no slight degree those who are covetous of money and who seek to procure silver and gold from all quarters, and when they have acquired it treasure it up, as though it were some divine image, in their inmost shrines, looking upon it as the cause of all good things and of all happiness. 24 And all the poor men that are possessed of that terrible disease, the love of money, but who, from not having any riches of their own which they can think worthy of their attention, fix their admiration on the wealth of their neighbors, and, for the purpose of offering adoration to it, come the first thing in the morning to the houses of those who have abundance, as if they were noble temples at which they were going to offer prayers, and to entreat blessings from their owners as if from the gods. 25 And to these men, Moses says, in another passage, "You shall not follow images, and you shall not make to yourselves molten gods." [Leviticus 19:4.] Teaching them, by figurative language, that it is not right to pay such honors to wealth as one would pay to the gods; for those celebrated materials of wealth, silver and gold, are made to be used, which, however, the multitude follows, looking upon them as the only causes of wealth which is proverbially called blind, and the especial sources of happiness. " (Philo, Spec. 1.23-25)

H) 第二世紀腓立比教會的長老瓦倫斯(Valens)貪財 



