2014年1月29日 星期三


A) 林前一26 // 耶九23
希臘文英譯:Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man (ho sophos) boast in his wisdom, and let not the strong man (ho ischyros) boast in his strength, and let not the rich man (ho plousios) boast in his wealth.

"For those who are not well-born (ouk eu gegonosin), whether on the father's or the mother's side, have an indelible disgrace in their low birth, which accompanies them throughout their lives, and offers to anyone desiring to use it a ready subject of reproach and insult...A goodly treasure, then, is honourable birth (eugeneia), and such a man may speak his mind freely, a thing which should be held of the highest account by those who wish to have issue lawfully begotten. "(Plutarch, The Education of Children [De liberis educandis] 2 )
「那沒有的」(tous mē echontas, 林前十一22)

"Their injunctions are like this. 'Let no one educated, no one wise, no one sensible draw near. For these abilities are thought by us to be evils. But as for anyone ignorant, anyone stupid, anyone uneducated, anyone who is a child, let him come boldly.' By the fact that they themselves admits that these people are worthy of their God, they show that they want and are able to convince only the foolish, dishonorable and stupid, and only slaves, women, and little children."(Origen, Contra Celsus 3.44)
E)亞該古(Achaicus, 林前十六17)

F)以都拉(Erastus, 羅十六23)
書信中的以都拉─城裏的財務官(ho oikonomos tēs poleōs)
...]Erastus pro aedelit[at]e s(ua) p(ecunia) stravit
...] 以都拉‧因其‧營造司職位‧自‧費‧舖路
哥林多城的最高級官員為執政官(duumviri, 每年選出二人擔任),其次是營造司(aedile, 亦是每年選出二人),付責管理、維修公共建築,以及統籌各項公益及節慶活動。
Source: Here


