2014年1月22日 星期三


A) 保羅「第二次」宣教行程地圖:

B) 非友誼關係的信件往來才須明示謝意:
"...I may dispense with writing to you with a great show of thanks; for it is to those who are not friends that we must give thanks in words. I trust that I may maintain myself in some degree of serenity and be able, if not to give you an equivalent, at least to show some small return for your affection towards me" (P. Mert. 12 [公元58年,埃及], excerpt from Gerald W. Peterman, "Thankless Thanks: Epistolary Social Convention in Phil 4:10-20," TynBul 42 [1991]: 262)
Seneca, De Beneficiis
"if a benefit is acknowledged, it is returned."(1.1.3)"In fact, the very moment you have been placed under obligation, you can match favour for favour with any man if you wish to do so; for he who receives a benefit gladly has already returned it. " (2.31.1-2)"although we say that he who receives a benefit gladly has repaid it, we, nevertheless, also bid him return some gift similar to the one he received." (2.34) 

 “among whom (腓立比教會) the most fortunate Paul labored (laboravit)” (Polycarp, To the Philippians 11.3 )


